re: Ragtime-joyous and thrilling. Transfer?
Posted by: sirpupnyc 09:19 am EST 11/11/24
In reply to: re: Ragtime-joyous and thrilling. Transfer? - NewtonUK 08:01 am EST 11/11/24

Someone on Reddit made the very good point that Lear deBessonet takes over at LCT next fall.

A full production there wouldn't have the same financial pressure, and could probably attract enhancement money from people thinking about a transfer.
If they're going to lose that money anyway, why not get a bigger show out of it?

Previous: re: Ragtime-joyous and thrilling. Transfer? - FleetStreetBarber 09:40 am EST 11/11/24
Next: re: Ragtime-joyous and thrilling. Transfer? - Chromolume 08:44 pm EST 11/10/24

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