i only just realized Mary didn't write the lyrics
Last Edit: Chazwaza 04:20 pm EST 11/08/24
Posted by: Chazwaza 04:20 pm EST 11/08/24
In reply to: re: ONCE UPON A...why??? - owk 03:09 pm EST 11/08/24

Wow, my whole life, even having been in the show as a young teen, I never really took note that her credit is for music, not also for lyrics. The score has so ubiquitously been credited to her and her alone in casual and scholarly referencing, I feel confident saying, as if Marshall Barer didn't exist. I can't say I've ever heard his name out-loud or remembered reading it, other than somehow my eyes moving past it when seeing the actual credits listed. I guess this is what happens when you write a score with the daughter of the most famous and success Broadway composer of all time up to that point (and until ALW took that thrown, probably, by the 90s), who has her dad's last name.

And it's not like this is a show I'm unfamiliar with. I've been in it, I've seen the 2 of the tv movies of it, I've looked at the cast album and listened many times.

Maybe it's also because he has no other major broadway lyric credits, and she had no other Broadway music credits (besides The Magic Show)... so I don't know of their work or the pattern of what they do in writing a score outside of the title and fame of this one musical, where i'd know she only does music and wonder who did the lyrics for Mattress. Interesting.

Previous: re: ONCE UPON A...why??? - Chromolume 02:41 pm EST 11/11/24
Next: re: i only just realized Mary didn't write the lyrics - duckylittledictum 08:12 am EST 11/10/24

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