re: Singing of 'Soft Power' and 'Democracy'
Last Edit: writerkev 05:43 am EST 11/07/24
Posted by: writerkev 05:41 am EST 11/07/24
In reply to: Singing of 'Soft Power' and 'Democracy' - WaymanWong 02:44 am EST 11/07/24

Interesting point about the “King and I” allusion. I’m sure you’re right that switching it to Harris would violate their conception, but honestly not much of that came through clearly or coherently at Signature at all, anyway. It was something to read about in the program more than anything realized on stage.

Grace Yoo as Hillary Clinton was hilarious. The standout of the cast.

Previous: Singing of 'Soft Power' and 'Democracy' - WaymanWong 02:44 am EST 11/07/24
Next: re: I enjoyed it a lot more - Chazwaza 08:29 pm EST 11/06/24

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