re: I enjoyed it a lot more
Last Edit: Chazwaza 08:41 pm EST 11/06/24
Posted by: Chazwaza 08:29 pm EST 11/06/24
In reply to: I enjoyed it a lot more - dramedy 06:33 pm EST 11/06/24

Actual quality aside, I can see why on paper both of those got funded and Soft Power hasn't/wouldn't (unless it got RAVES or 2 huge stars in it)

I put quality aside for this because that isn't always/often the key factor in why something can raise money or sell tickets, unless, again, it got big raves for its quality.

Previous: re: Singing of 'Soft Power' and 'Democracy' - writerkev 05:41 am EST 11/07/24
Next: I wonder what they cut to make one act. - dramedy 05:11 pm EST 11/06/24

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