re: I don't understand why this is still an issue for EITHER of them
Last Edit: HunterHailey 02:45 pm EST 11/04/24
Posted by: HunterHailey 02:39 pm EST 11/04/24
In reply to: re: I don't understand why this is still an issue for EITHER of them - MockingbirdGirl 01:13 pm EST 11/04/24

Oh come on. An offhand comment to an individual asking her to sign the Playbill from that show you're putting on a comparable level with the formal statements against her that are coming from the production? You know what? I've seen many shows that I've actually felt were too loud. It's a legitimate opinion for someone to have and it's an opinion that many people have had about over amplified shows regardless of the race of cast, authors or producers. I don't see any other way to interpret your statement other that either the show is immune from criticism on that point or that other actors aren't allowed to express an opinion anywhere at any time on other shows. If Patti is subject to attack for this offhand comment when would anyone ever be "allowed" to express an opinion about another show. This is about as mundane as it gets compared the organized releases against Patti. I mean - Patti is accused of showing "privilege" by notifying them that their music is bleeding in the theater where she is performing? That's privilege??? I'd say the exhibition on privilege is from the side that dismisses the legitimate complaint and thinks they should be able to do whatever they want regardless of whether it affects anyone else. And then - saying Patti thanking the production team that clearly felt she had a legitimate issue and then fixed it, with flowers was in an of itself racial? I mean - come on . . . horrible look for them. Did you see any acknowledgement whatsoever in any of the releases from the show that acknowledges that their sound was bleeding into the other theater?

Previous: re: I don't understand why this is still an issue for EITHER of them - MockingbirdGirl 01:13 pm EST 11/04/24
Next: re: I don't understand why this is still an issue for EITHER of them - showusyourtalent 02:05 pm EST 11/04/24

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