re: I don't understand why this is still an issue for EITHER of them
Last Edit: MockingbirdGirl 01:14 pm EST 11/04/24
Posted by: MockingbirdGirl 01:13 pm EST 11/04/24
In reply to: re: I don't understand why this is still an issue for EITHER of them - HunterHailey 12:22 pm EST 11/04/24

If anything - Patti acted completely professionally

There's nothing "professional" about criticizing the show to other theatergoers after they had acceded to her request.

Please don't wilfully ignore the "EITHER" in my post; neither side looks good here.

Previous: re: Where is this follow up statement from the HK's producers? Not seeing it... - DistantDrumming 08:45 pm EST 11/04/24
Next: re: I don't understand why this is still an issue for EITHER of them - HunterHailey 02:39 pm EST 11/04/24

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