re: Caissie Levy
Posted by: Chazwaza 03:28 pm EDT 10/31/24
In reply to: re: Caissie Levy - theaterdude 11:34 am EDT 10/31/24

I was very active on theater boards during the Ragtime era, and I cannot say that I remember there being any discussion of or people vocal in wishing Marin would have belted that song or sounded less legit, or having a word to say against how she sang it. I'm not a singing experts but the power Marin brought vocally seemed to be exactly what the song wanted, and her legit voice is much more in line with that character. What score do they think this is? I can't imagine why Lynn & Steve would have been pushing for that. But who knows.

I have to agree with the OP, i'm really not a big fan of how Levy sounds doing this song in the clip.

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