re: Shows That moved you more or less the second time?
Posted by: IvyLeagueDropout 10:05 pm EDT 10/28/24
In reply to: re: Shows That moved you more or less the second time? - EvFoDr 07:53 pm EDT 10/28/24

As an album, I think the original London beats all the rest.

As for the show, my favorite production that I saw was the first national tour (1988ish, I think), which I think was a replication of the original Broadway production. It's the only time I was truly swept away by it. I was a teen and not very sophisticated, but the whole thing had me enthralled. Saw the Broadway production, both before and after the revision. Enjoyed it, but the music didn't seem as sharp to me. I saw the revival and enjoyed. It seemed a little sharper than the tail end of the original Broadway production, although it had one terrible casting mistake.

I disliked the film upon release. I saw it again a year or so ago, and to my shock I liked it much more, and was pretty moved by it.

Previous: re: Shows That moved you more or less the second time? - downtownlw 02:28 pm EDT 10/29/24
Next: re: Shows That moved you more or less the second time? - carolinaguy 03:30 pm EDT 10/28/24

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