re: this was the last show i saw before COVID lockdown--which shut the tour down
Last Edit: WaymanWong 07:11 pm EDT 10/24/24
Posted by: WaymanWong 07:08 pm EDT 10/24/24
In reply to: this was the last show i saw before COVID lockdown--which shut the tour down - dramedy 12:57 pm EDT 10/24/24

The national tour of ''The Last Ship,'' starring Sting, also was the last show I saw before the COVID shutdown. It played the Golden Gate Theatre in S.F.

I loved ''The Last Ship'' and saw it multiple times on Broadway. The moving father-son story at its heart and Sting's stunningly gorgeous score always got to me. I especially adored ''What Say You, Meg?,'' a lush ballad sung by Aaron Lazar; ''The Night the Pugilist Learned How to Dance,'' a beautiful story song in waltz time, where Gideon, a father, tells his son how he won over his mother, and ''Ghost Story,'' magnificiently acted by Michael Esper, in which Gideon wrestles with the spirit of his dead father and tries to connect with his young adult son. If it were up to me, Sting would've won the Tony for Best Score.

So imagine my disappointment with the tour, which featured new direction and a new book by Lorne Campbell. Campbell tried to streamline the plot by dumping the character of the jovial priest, but more disastrously, gave Gideon a daughter instead of a son, destroying the show's father-son dynamic.

I'm thrilled this ''Ship'' will be streamed. I hope seeing Collin Kelly-Sordelet's name (he played the son) means they're reverting to the original book.
Link 'The Last Ship': 'Ghost Story' with Michael Esper, Colllin Kelly-Sordelet

Previous: this was the last show i saw before COVID lockdown--which shut the tour down - dramedy 12:57 pm EDT 10/24/24
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