re: SUNSET BOULEVARD - last night
Last Edit: singleticket 02:35 pm EDT 10/08/24
Posted by: singleticket 02:31 pm EDT 10/08/24
In reply to: re: SUNSET BOULEVARD - last night - Delvino 11:36 am EDT 10/08/24

I don't know the score enough to say about the cuts. In terms of production I would say that it is building its own movie world that has elements of noir and horror and departs from the original. My sense was that the score was played traditionally and for me that was part of the problem because it didn't connect with the inventiveness, for better or for worse, with what was going on on stage so the musical feels a bit disconnected. I had the same issue with the way the score was played in the recent "CATS" however I think that was a much more successful production and I suppose a bit more adventurous of an adaptation of an ALW score.

Previous: re: SUNSET BOULEVARD - last night - Delvino 11:36 am EDT 10/08/24
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