Last Edit: MockingbirdGirl 06:47 pm EDT 07/15/24
Posted by: MockingbirdGirl 06:46 pm EDT 07/15/24
In reply to: re: I'm sure you're right and I mourn their absence. - KingSpeed 05:43 pm EDT 07/15/24

Doing more to expand non-white or less-white audiences does not mean fewer white people will be able to attend live theatre. It's not pie.

Previous: re: I'm sure you're right and I mourn their absence. - KingSpeed 05:43 pm EDT 07/15/24
Next: re: FFS - KingSpeed 06:29 pm EDT 07/16/24
  • re: FFS - KingSpeed 06:29 pm EDT 07/16/24 (1)
    • re: FFS - ryhog 02:39 am EDT 07/17/24
  • re: FFS - Ann 09:18 pm EDT 07/15/24 (1)
    • re: FFS - MockingbirdGirl 12:35 pm EDT 07/16/24

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