re: New ‘Richard III’ Raises an Old Question: Who Should Wear the Crown?
Posted by: Singapore/Fling 07:24 pm EDT 05/23/24
In reply to: re: New ‘Richard III’ Raises an Old Question: Who Should Wear the Crown? - Chromolume 01:30 pm EDT 05/23/24

I mean, they are more recent than minstrel shows, but I'll admit, I did not, and maybe still don't, understand the point you were making on yellowface. It read as if you were excusing it because anti-Asian racism is not as historically entrenched as anti-Black racism, so I was giving you grace.

Previous: re: New ‘Richard III’ Raises an Old Question: Who Should Wear the Crown? - Chromolume 01:30 pm EDT 05/23/24
Next: re: New ‘Richard III’ Raises an Old Question: Who Should Wear the Crown? - AlanScott 03:52 am EDT 05/24/24

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