re: Broadway will dim lights for Hinton Battle.
Posted by: ryhog 11:33 pm EST 02/22/24
In reply to: re: Broadway will dim lights for Hinton Battle. - Chazwaza 07:31 pm EST 02/22/24

In my experience, fwiw, the family is a larger consideration than others. (Are there exceptions? sure.) Having witnessed families, this has evolved into a gesture that many of them find meaningful. And there are great variations in both practices and the situation. I recall a situation where the body was still not in the ground almost two weeks after the death because siblings were spread around the world and had commitments that would have been difficult. I also believe that some or most Jewish funerals are VERY quick but then there is a mourning ritual that extends for another week. In both of these cases, there was great interest both in attending and also in having the dimming not interfere with anything else. Certainly there are the egregiously overlooked and offensively delayed and perhaps there are also some situations where the family has asked that the gesture be withheld. Some people get really weird around funerals.

Previous: re: Broadway will dim lights for Hinton Battle. - Chazwaza 07:31 pm EST 02/22/24
Next: re: Broadway will dim lights for Hinton Battle. - AlanScott 07:55 pm EST 02/22/24

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