re: Broadway will dim lights for Hinton Battle.
Last Edit: Chazwaza 07:40 pm EST 02/22/24
Posted by: Chazwaza 07:31 pm EST 02/22/24
In reply to: re: Broadway will dim lights for Hinton Battle. - kieran 07:05 pm EST 02/22/24

Why post an article railing against the League's "decision not to dim the lights" in response to an article announcing the League's decision to dim the lights?

This is also a poorly written blog post, with 2 paragraphs saying the exact same thing in only occasionally different wording. From reading other blog posts on this site, i'd say this blog seems far more concerned with editorials and opinion pieces than reporting news (look no further than the article about how in the blogger's opinion, an upcoming campy musical comedy about Salem should not be done because it will sure "be in poor taste." and another about how actors who auditioning claiming they will accept any role not just the one they're auditioning for should actually mean that and take whatever role they're offered. Wow, that's some real thoughtful writing and hard hitting reporting.)

The delay of dimming the lights for Battle was an offensive and embarrassing thing for someone of his legendary status and 3 Tony awards no less. But it is happening. The playbill article says the date has been picked in consultation with Battle's family. I wonder if that had something to do with how long it took to announce it. Or if it didn't. Or if they're hoping saying that will take the pressure off.

Previous: re: Broadway will dim lights for Hinton Battle. - kieran 07:05 pm EST 02/22/24
Next: re: Broadway will dim lights for Hinton Battle. - ryhog 11:33 pm EST 02/22/24

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