re: I just think digital copyediting is more slipshod...
Posted by: portenopete 06:12 pm EST 02/22/24
In reply to: re: I just think digital copyediting is more slipshod... - ryhog 05:13 pm EST 02/22/24

Thanks for this, ryhog!

The gay altakokkers (I seem to be misspelling it all sorts of ways) in my head are four old dudes I once saw from a distance in a downtown shopping mall. As I approached them one summer Monday morning in 2001 I imagined their conversation to be a deep debate about the baseball game the night before but as I got closer I heard one of them announce rather huffily: "The only reason Cady Huffman beat Kathleen Freeman was because she was ROBBED for Will Rogers Follies!!!"

Ever since then I try not to jump to conclusions. But usually I fail.

Re. the "quiz": I was shocked to see the authorship credited to a bevy of people. I didn't check the names too carefully. Maybe they were a group of interns....?

Take care, ryhog :).

Previous: re: I just think digital copyediting is more slipshod... - ryhog 05:13 pm EST 02/22/24
Next: The Grey Lady is losing her lustre. - portenopete 11:56 am EST 02/22/24

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