re: I just think digital copyediting is more slipshod...
Posted by: portenopete 04:29 pm EST 02/22/24
In reply to: re: I just think digital copyediting is more slipshod... - ryhog 04:02 pm EST 02/22/24

I do not treat a post on ATC as seriously as I would submitting an academic paper or writing an article in a major newspaper. My approach to this site is not to masterfully craft essays that will glisten for years to come, but more to weigh in spontaneously and casually and let the chips fall where they may. I'm not a writer and don't expect my posts to be regarded as anything other than hastily-considered opinion. For me it's like sitting in an Upper West Side deli on a weekday morning having a kaffeeklatsch with half a dozen gay altekokkers about the new musical that opened last night.

I wish I could share in your optimism about the bright future that AI will bring about. Will the actual reviews be written by AI, as well?

Previous: re: I just think digital copyediting is more slipshod... - ryhog 04:02 pm EST 02/22/24
Next: re: I just think digital copyediting is more slipshod... - ryhog 05:13 pm EST 02/22/24

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