re: The Devil Wears Prada announces its West End Miranda tomorrow morning...
Posted by: PlazaBoy 04:23 pm EST 02/18/24
In reply to: re: The Devil Wears Prada announces its West End Miranda tomorrow morning... - PJ 09:10 am EST 02/18/24

Vanessa Williams is a wonderful choice, although I'd love a song or two for her to be added to the score. I understand the conceptual reason for that character not signing though.

Williams would bring glamour and dazzle that Beth Leavel wasn't able too. I normally love Leavel, but not in this. The whole production was a misfire so not placing the blame on her.

Previous: re: The Devil Wears Prada announces its West End Miranda tomorrow morning... - PJ 09:10 am EST 02/18/24
Next: It looks like it’s Williams. - kieran 04:38 am EST 02/19/24

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