re: The Devil Wears Prada announces its West End Miranda tomorrow morning...
Posted by: PJ 09:10 am EST 02/18/24
In reply to: The Devil Wears Prada announces its West End Miranda tomorrow morning... - bway1430 07:43 am EST 02/18/24

If it's not Waddingham, Vanessa Williams is a suitable (and bankable) choice.

And while I don't think she'd be up to the task (even if Miranda is a non-singing part, which it probably should be), Kim Cattrall would be the most exciting choice. Alas, '[she] doesn't want to be in a situation for even an hour where [she's] not enjoying [her]self,' so I guess the grind of musical theatre is out.

Previous: re: The Devil Wears Prada announces its West End Miranda tomorrow morning... - sf 09:47 am EST 02/18/24
Next: re: The Devil Wears Prada announces its West End Miranda tomorrow morning... - PlazaBoy 04:23 pm EST 02/18/24

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