re: the cast
Posted by: Singapore/Fling 03:15 pm EST 02/15/24
In reply to: re: the cast - Chazwaza 01:09 pm EST 02/15/24

I’m not sure how someone could not recognize that behavior, religion, and methods of speech and thought differ between cultures. To be accurate, this family isn’t just French, they are Parisian, which is a very specific way of engaging with the world. But perhaps you haven’t spent any time in Paris to see how they are different from New Yorkers, which is who I think Harmon actually wrote.

And no, the play isn’t “about France”, that’s a reductive take that isn’t what I understood Newton to be saying. But it purports to put France/Paris on stage, and it simply doesn’t. For some of us, that’s a deal breaker, but I’m glad that you were able to enjoy it.

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Next: re: the cast - Chazwaza 05:53 pm EST 02/15/24

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