re: Note that this article should be categorized as rumor
Posted by: ryhog 05:42 pm EST 02/12/24
In reply to: re: Note that this article should be categorized as rumor - mikem 12:27 pm EST 02/12/24

I think you may have solved your own puzzle.

If they haven't finalized the new person, they may be waiting until they have because (a) it's not a good look to announce bad news (Fanning) without good news (an exciting replacement) and (b) if they can't sign someone they feel fills the hole, they might bail on the whole idea.

Previous: re: Note that this article should be categorized as rumor - mikem 12:27 pm EST 02/12/24
Next: And Sarah Paulson not transferring. - dramedy 10:52 am EST 02/12/24

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