The Underscoring Tells Us Everything -SPOILER ALERT!!!!
Posted by: theatreguy40 03:01 pm EST 02/12/24
In reply to: re: BIG SPOILER. DO NOT READ: Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today - EvFoDr 12:54 pm EST 02/12/24

In the Original production -- There are two pieces of underscoring at the end of the play that "tells" the audience who the Beggar Woman is. As the Beggar Woman appears and makes her way up to the Barber shop the orchestra is playing the music from "There was a Barber and his Wife".

Then of course there is when the Beggar Woman "opens the window" and sings a bit of the same lullaby that we hear in Act One when Mrs. Lovett is telling Todd the story of Lucy.

BUT THEN --- as Todd slits the Beggar Woman's throat and puts her in the chair and sends her down the chute - the Orchestra is playing (quite grandly) the music of "And my Lucy lies in ashes!!".

If the audience has been paying close attention -- all these "clues" tell the audience who the Beggar Woman really is.

Previous: re: BIG SPOILER. DO NOT READ: Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today - EvFoDr 12:54 pm EST 02/12/24
Next: re: BIG SPOILER. DO NOT READ: Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today - AlanScott 01:20 pm EST 02/12/24

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