re: BIG SPOILER. DO NOT READ: Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today
Posted by: lordofspeech 02:10 pm EST 02/12/24
In reply to: re: BIG SPOILER. DO NOT READ: Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today - AlanScott 01:20 pm EST 02/12/24


Thank you, Alan Scott, and thanks to peter3053 who pinpointed the blocking that, for me, had been the tip-off about the Beggar-Woman. I sorely missed « the chills » I’d got from the tip-off. I don’t think I could’ve been horrified at Benjamin’s killing of her. But maybe it’s something that only happens ONCE.

I’m sure Sutton’s performance will divide people. What I meant when I referenced Laurence Olivier was how dazzlingly he would sometimes draw attention to himself, his acrobatics, his performer-daring, while still maintaining the narrative’s perameters.

I admired the economy of the whole storyline, although, as good as the Judge was, I wanted less of his meandering walk back home with the Beadle. And I wished for a bit more written (or sung) by Barker/Todd in response to Mrs Lovett (either in ‘By the Sea’ or after) to know how coldly (or warmly) he regarded her. Did he contemplate ridding himself of her once he gets Johanna back? Maybe that’s in it, but I missed it. I also think I heard this Todd sing that Lucy had had blonde hair. I guess my bad hearing.

The Sunday night I saw it, Johanna jumped out from the box in Sweeney’s parlor WITHOUT her cap. Who knows what happened. But the game actress tried to cover her face with a prop-hankey to keep up her disguise.

Previous: re: BIG SPOILER. DO NOT READ: Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today - AlanScott 01:20 pm EST 02/12/24
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