re: BIG SPOILER. DO NOT READ: Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today
Posted by: lordofspeech 11:10 pm EST 02/12/24
In reply to: re: BIG SPOILER. DO NOT READ: Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today - AlanScott 09:26 pm EST 02/12/24

The cap mishap was this past Sunday. And made no difference. Her hair was jammed beneath her collar, and Sweeney hasn’t seen her in ages.

Previous: re: BIG SPOILER. DO NOT READ: Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today - AlanScott 09:26 pm EST 02/12/24
Next: re: BIG SPOILER. DO NOT READ: Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today - EvFoDr 10:10 pm EST 02/12/24

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