re: CHICAGO Tour Book Question
Posted by: NewtonUK 01:49 pm EST 02/12/24
In reply to: CHICAGO Tour Book Question - EvFoDr 01:04 pm EST 02/12/24

Well spotted. I'm not sure if this an official change, but in the original libretto, In Act 1, Billy asks Mama Morton to lket the reporters in just before 'Boh reacehd for teh Gun', saying, "Let 'em in, Butch"

In Act 2, during the poker game, Billy says to Mama Morton (Matron), "Hey, Diesel, get Roxie for me, will ya?"

Previous: CHICAGO Tour Book Question - EvFoDr 01:04 pm EST 02/12/24
Next: re: CHICAGO Tour Book Question - emmemmkay 10:08 am EST 02/13/24

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