re: CHICAGO Tour Book Question
Posted by: EvFoDr 01:26 pm EST 02/18/24
In reply to: re: CHICAGO Tour Book Question - Chazwaza 01:08 pm EST 02/17/24

Intereting thought. That may be the case. But I miss it, because I like the angle that Mama is a lesbian and the light it sheds on the kind of favors the girls are likely required to do for her. Because many of the other lines allude to the favors being only monetary.

The tour mama was incredibly short, but a powerhouse. My brain thinks/knows she is a lesbian so I guess I am filling in that blank regardless of whether the actress really seems to, or is playing it that way.

Previous: re: CHICAGO Tour Book Question - Chazwaza 01:08 pm EST 02/17/24
Next: re: CHICAGO Tour Book Question - Chazwaza 12:08 pm EST 02/21/24

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