re: MERRILY - A backward experiment
Posted by: HunterHailey 12:03 am EST 02/08/24
In reply to: MERRILY - A backward experiment - Genealley 12:46 pm EST 02/07/24

Obviously you're entitled to your opinion on whether you liked it or not but I don't know how anyone could watch this production and say the backwards structure doesn't reveal much of anything. One of the bests part of the revisions to the book was the way it highlighted all those turning point moments in Frank's life that the audience now knew were turning point moments because we already saw the outcome of those. It hits you completely differently. So many other moments ("write what you know" was my favorite one) that just punch you in the gut due to the structure of it going backwards. Things you saw early on and when you learned the history is so much more powerful than if you had seen it forward. You're never going to get a "perfect" book for this score - you're still dealing with the underlying material you have to work with - but I think this was by FAR the best and most compelling. Did I love every single directorial choice - no. But far far more hits than misses to me.

Previous: MERRILY - A backward experiment - Genealley 12:46 pm EST 02/07/24
Next: re: MERRILY - A backward experiment - Ann 04:26 pm EST 02/07/24

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