MERRILY - A backward experiment
Posted by: Genealley 12:46 pm EST 02/07/24
In reply to: MERRILY-- A naysayer's review - Zelgo 11:31 am EST 02/07/24

I agree with Zelgo.

As it’s been stated so many times,this backward structure really doesn’t reveal much of anything - except for a nasty plotline. The road you took - in reverse. The backward gimmick just feels…gimmicky. I’m constantly asking myself what’s the point?

The plot is the plot and going backwards doesn’t reveal much more except perhaps at the end when we’re supposed to feel that twinge of nostalgia - but it’s just a twinge - not enough to justify the gimmick.

I also agree about Groff. He has that “above it all“ demeanor, which never connects fully with the character, and I think he was also miscast. You have to feel something for this character as you did with Michael Hayden at the Kennedy Center Production. Groff just left me cold. (Give Jackson a chance - he was delightful in Once Upon A Mattress). Radcliffe is fine, but the character kind of falls into the background with his portrayal. My fave is Mendez -the power of her persona - she’s so likable, open and friendly. Gussy wasn’t strong enough for me to believe she could upend this man’s life. And Reg Rogers was appreciated relief to the grim proceedings.

I just don’t get the raving over this Production.

But then, I love &JULIET.

Previous: re: MERRILY-- A naysayer's review - twsct 01:19 pm EST 02/07/24
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