The original 1903 OZ had a cow!
Last Edit: showtunetrivia 05:49 pm EST 02/07/24
Posted by: showtunetrivia 05:48 pm EST 02/07/24
In reply to: i just assumed the original production didn't nmi - dramedy 02:33 pm EST 02/07/24

Imogene the Dancing Cow was such a huge hit, she was featured in the first silent film of THE WIZARD OF OZ. (Yes, a “skins” part, played by two men.)

Laura in LA, drying out

Previous: i just assumed the original production didn't nmi - dramedy 02:33 pm EST 02/07/24
Next: Amy Ryan is a fantastic choice for Sister Aloysius. - portenopete 12:54 pm EST 02/07/24

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