Regional Reviews: Washington, D.C. Job Also see Susan's review of Broadway Center Stage: Schmigadoon!
Director Matthew Gardiner, also the company's artistic director, has captured the claustrophobic atmosphere of this two-character drama, which takes place in a psychiatrist's office in San Francisco. Jane (Jordan Slattery), a tightly wound young woman, has come to see affable, professorial therapist Loyd (Eric Hissom) following a workplace meltdown that went viral and threatens her ability to keep her job as a content moderator. Up front, audiences should know that the 80-minute play, with no intermission, starts with a visual shock and moves on to several controversial and painful topics related to the inescapable nature of the internet. (In online terms, the conversation is fascinating but largely Not Suitable for Work.) Jane desperately wants to hold onto her job, while Loyd is more concerned about her mental and physical health. His office is decorated as a calming place: Luciana Stecconi's scenic design combines the soothing beige of the walls and the translucent white curtains with artworks such as fabric wall hangings and a large cloisonne vase. The one jarring element is a series of overhead fluorescent lights (lighting design by Colin K. Bills) that extends into the ceiling of the auditorium. As written by Friedlich and portrayed by Hissom, Loyd is almost a self-parody of the kindly counselor who speaks quietly and cares deeply that he can help his patient find emotional peace. He's unflappable and gentle as he tries to ease her tensions and past traumas–but Jane keeps finding ways to set him on edge. Slattery, with her open face and determined posture, skillfully plays a person who may or may not be who she appears to be. Job runs through March 16, 2025, at Signature Theatre, ARK Theatre, 4200 Campbell Ave., Arlington VA. For tickets and information, please call 703-820-9771 or visit By Max Wolf Friedlich Cast: |