Past Reviews

Regional Reviews: Connecticut and the Berkshires

Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors
The Legacy Theatre
Review by Zander Opper

Also see Zander's review of Master Class and Fred's review of Three Tall Persian Women

Josiah Rowe and Mario Haynes
Photo by Sam Bibbins
Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors, by Gordon Greenberg and Steve Rosen, is now playing at The Legacy Theatre in a hilarious and endlessly inventive evening of laughter. It is a campy, ingeniously constructed comedy with a fantastically versatile cast. And, as perfectly directed by James Andreassi, the entertainment never stops, with even the set changes being flawlessly choreographed. Except for the terrific Mario Haynes (as the sexy title character), the other performers play multiple roles to often uproarious effect. It's not easy to present a play like this, what with finding the right tone and being able to sustain it throughout. But Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors at The Legacy Theatre is an all-out winner, the kind of show that will leave you chuckling for days.

From the opening scene, this show finds the precise style to make the evening both funny and more than a bit sexual. Even if children might be entertained by the show, it's really suited for mature audiences. On Jamie Burnett's magnificent, evocative set, combined with the macabre costumes, designed with tongue-in-cheek by Elizabeth Bolster, there is a glorious lunacy that never stops.

The cast is absolutely fantastic. Mario Haynes is a sinuous delight as Dracula, conveying a sense of almost palpable lust that adds to the character's mystique and onstage presence. Matching him completely is Josiah Rowe, who effortlessly takes on three roles. Allison Miller is also divine in multiple parts, particularly playing the bride, Lucy, with Stephanie Stiefel Williams adding to the riotous humor as well. Jimmy Johansmeyer is a real standout in two different female roles: Mina, the largely unwanted sister of Lucy; and the imposingly hysterical Dr. Jean Van Helsing. What's especially delicious about Johansmeyer playing these roles is that he makes no attempt to appear feminine and is all the funnier for it. With outrageous wigs and brilliantly constructed costumes, this actor is a comedy knockout.

Dracula: A Comedy of Terrorshas the rip-roaring feel of a Mel Brooks film, with a little bit of a Charles Busch sensibility thrown in for good measure. The jokes come fast and furious, with almost all hitting the bullseye. Even the stagehands are a lot of fun, and they get a well-deserved bow at the end of the show. Adding to the sinister, haunted-house feeling is the striking lighting design by Jamie Burnett and the sound design by Adam Jackson, which is just right.

This is the rare show that has the audience laughing from beginning to end. The director and his endlessly talented cast have found the exact way to present this mirthful play so that every joke and sight gag manage to land perfectly. Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors is a real triumph for The Legacy Theatre and it an absolute must-see.

Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors runs through September 29, 2024, at The Legacy Theatre, 128 Thimble Islands Road, Branford CT. For tickets and information, please call 203-315-1901 or visit