re: A John Lithgow tidbit
Posted by: royscho 08:26 pm EST 02/12/25
In reply to: re: A John Lithgow tidbit - MockingbirdGirl 07:51 pm EST 02/12/25

We certainly disagree here but to each their own.

Beyond the fact they needed to replace the actor, I found his portrayal to be very weak, almost lazy. It looks like he was only there for the paycheck (or to make his grandkids happy, according to him.) Maybe it’s because he was ailing already, but his Dumbledore had zero personality, to me. It looked like a cliché - an AI idea of how the part should be played. Michael Gambon’s portrayal may have taken liberties with the character (as written), but his work is among the very few ones in this franchise that had life and personality.

Previous: re: A John Lithgow tidbit - MockingbirdGirl 07:51 pm EST 02/12/25
Next: David Edward Byrd has Died - Clancy 06:10 pm EST 02/12/25

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