re: Anyone see the taping of the Tennant/Jumbo Macbeth?
Last Edit: MockingbirdGirl 04:47 pm EST 02/09/25
Posted by: MockingbirdGirl 04:46 pm EST 02/09/25
In reply to: Anyone see the taping of the Tennant/Jumbo Macbeth? - pathman 11:47 am EST 02/09/25

Saw it and loved it. Sometimes you get a production of Macbeth with strong actors but no coherent vision for the production, whereas this one had a very clear vision for what it wanted to do and how to accomplish it. So long as you are in a cinema with a decent sound system, you will hear the different voices coming from different directions (though I noticed it mostly in the beginning and less as time went on).

I will say that I would not recommend it as anyone's first encounter with the play, as they will have no idea what is going on with the witches.

Previous: Anyone see the taping of the Tennant/Jumbo Macbeth? - pathman 11:47 am EST 02/09/25
Next: Thanks!!! (nmi) - pathman 05:20 pm EST 02/09/25

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