Gary Gulman Show at Lortel Feb 5
Posted by: gparklady 12:47 am EST 02/06/25

Curious if anyone attended the Gary Gulman show "Grandiloquent" at the Lortel on Wednesday night. In the last part of the show he was in the middle of a long, descriptive piece and someone yelled something out and it stopped him cold. It threw him off and he could not believe the heckler would do something like that after hearing about his insecurities the entire show. It was a very tense moment and went on for a while, he explained why it bothered him so much, continued to say how he didn't understand why someone would do it, and seemed genuinely hurt and flustered. He recovered and re-joined his story. I never thought it could have been a plant, didn't even occur to me, but two friends of mine questioned the moment and thought it actually could have been staged since it continued to allow him to reveal things about himself related to the themes of the show. Has anyone seen the show and if so, could comment if there was a similar instance toward the end? Or did we experience a real theater moment?

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