re: The Rink: Has there been a major revival?
Last Edit: Chromolume 08:55 pm EST 02/05/25
Posted by: Chromolume 08:51 pm EST 02/05/25
In reply to: re: The Rink: Has there been a major revival? - RufusRed 08:09 pm EST 02/05/25

I've been a professional music director for close to 40 years. One can certainly refer to the chorus in a large show as the ensemble, but an "ensemble show" is a different thing. Typically that kind of show involves a smaller cast, and it's not uncommon that aside from the clear principal characters, the other members of the ensemble will all play multiple roles. (In some ensemble shows, the leads might sometimes double roles as well.) This is what The Rink was designed to be - an ensemble show, not a big show with a chorus.

Previous: re: The Rink: Has there been a major revival? - RufusRed 08:09 pm EST 02/05/25
Next: re: The Rink: Has there been a major revival? - Shutterbug 11:45 am EST 02/04/25

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