re: Atlantic Theater Company Fails to Offer Satisfactory Contract, Leading to IATSE Strike
Last Edit: singleticket 09:26 pm EST 01/13/25
Posted by: singleticket 09:19 pm EST 01/13/25
In reply to: re: Atlantic Theater Company Fails to Offer Satisfactory Contract, Leading to IATSE Strike - Singapore/Fling 08:59 pm EST 01/13/25

As well as who is advising The Atlantic in this dispute. A post on the other site says the theater hired Littler and Mendelson, Amazon and Starbucks' favorite anti-union law firm. That's a rumor until it is established as fact by either side or a news organization (which tend to have a gentleman's agreement in not naming consulting law firms). But if it's true then that along with the no strike demand would be like The Atlantic throwing fuel on a fire.

Previous: re: Atlantic Theater Company Fails to Offer Satisfactory Contract, Leading to IATSE Strike - Singapore/Fling 08:59 pm EST 01/13/25
Next: Yes, Atlantic has hired notorious union-busting firm Littler Mendelson - wizrdofoz27 11:09 am EST 01/14/25

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