re: Glenn Close says they're looking for a director for the "Sunset Boulevard" film.
Posted by: Chazwaza 09:53 pm EST 01/10/25
In reply to: re: Glenn Close says they're looking for a director for the "Sunset Boulevard" film. - Chromolume 03:30 pm EST 01/10/25

FWIW, if you're gonna say it again, i'll say mine again... i think you're absolutely wrong here. Say what you will about the quality of them or the distinction of the writing in the canon of great musicals or great Webber... but there's no way almost anyone else could sing her two songs. Being very Norma is one of the things they have going for them, at least in that they do get sung by her.

Previous: re: Glenn Close says they're looking for a director for the "Sunset Boulevard" film. - Chromolume 03:30 pm EST 01/10/25
Next: re: Glenn Close says they're looking for a director for the "Sunset Boulevard" film. - Chromolume 10:23 pm EST 01/10/25

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