re: "High Spirits" Last Night?
Posted by: AlexanderKat 05:21 pm EST 01/07/25
In reply to: re: "High Spirits" Last Night? - tomba51 10:27 am EST 01/07/25

HIGH SPIRITS was one of the earliest Broadway musicals I saw as a youngster. Around that time I also saw FUNNY GIRL, BAJOUR, GOLDEN BOY, and almost FADE OUT-FADE IN (had tickets for that December but unfortunately Burnett had left the show by then). HIGH SPIRITS was my very favorite of the bunch. I wasn't familiar with Beatrice Lillie but immediately recognized why she was such a legendary figure in the musical theatre. Tammy Grimes was perfectly cast as the ethereal Elvira and sang the hell out of HOME SWEET HEAVEN. I loved the score and still listen to the cast recording today.

Of course I didn't expect that much from last night's presentation but it was just dreadful. I've seen and enjoyed Kaye and Andreas many times in the past but they did nothing for me. The only person I found enjoyable was Adrienne Angel who was in the ensemble of the original production and understudied the role of Ruth Condomine. She was introduced after the show and at the ripe old age of (I believe) 96 years sang "Was She Prettier Than I." What I found interesting was her recollection of doing a tour of the show playing Ruth, with Mary Wickes as Arcati (later replaced at one point by Agnes Moorehead) and Carolyn Jones as Elvira (I had no idea she sang). Unfortunately, last night was a poor representation of the musical especially for those unfamiliar with the show.

Previous: re: "High Spirits" Last Night? - tomba51 10:27 am EST 01/07/25
Next: The grand hotel production. - dramedy 12:01 pm EST 01/07/25

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