re: Why isn't Andrea McArdle a bigger star?
Posted by: champagnesalesman 04:50 pm EST 01/07/25
In reply to: Why isn't Andrea McArdle a bigger star? - CallMeRusty 12:04 pm EST 01/07/25

She's in her 60's but reads much younger which makes her hard to cast...and her voice still sounds like it did in ANNIE, well at least not drastically different
But as she says in her show..she is lucky to have introduced a very famous song.....Audra, Kelli, Sutton etc. may have more success but are unlikely to ever have that

Previous: re: Why isn't Andrea McArdle a bigger star? - RAR85558 06:53 pm EST 01/07/25
Next: re: Why isn't Andrea McArdle a bigger star? - pecansforall 04:23 pm EST 01/07/25

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