re: Why isn't Andrea McArdle a bigger star?
Posted by: IvyLeagueDropout 02:15 pm EST 01/07/25
In reply to: re: Why isn't Andrea McArdle a bigger star? - FrankF 01:08 pm EST 01/07/25


I think the motivations we have as kids change as we get older. Perhaps having a normal life was more appealing than continuing on. Perhaps her life is a big success, just not by the standards of some ATC posters.

I've seen her in person, but I adore her voice.

Previous: re: Why isn't Andrea McArdle a bigger star? - FrankF 01:08 pm EST 01/07/25
Next: re: Why isn't Andrea McArdle a bigger star? - theaterisok 12:44 pm EST 01/07/25

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