re: Sunset Blvd: 2 Normas, 2 Bettys and a Joe
Posted by: AnyaS 12:35 am EST 01/06/25
In reply to: Sunset Blvd: 2 Normas, 2 Bettys and a Joe - Shutterbug 10:54 pm EST 01/05/25

I had a very negative reaction to Grace Hodgett Young's voice when I first listened to the Sunset Blvd cast recording. I found her voice so grating, like nails on a chalkboard to me. Now I skip over Betty's tracks whenever I listen to that particular cast album. Imagine my disappointment when I listened to the Hadestown London cast recording for the first time a few weeks later and realized she also played Eurydice. :-/

Previous: Sunset Blvd: 2 Normas, 2 Bettys and a Joe - Shutterbug 10:54 pm EST 01/05/25
Next: re: Sunset Blvd: 2 Normas, 2 Bettys and a Joe - lowwriter 01:05 am EST 01/06/25

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