re: Coming in 2025: Day by day, Peter Filichia's 'A Show Tune for Today'
Last Edit: TheHarveyBoy 06:14 am EST 12/25/24
Posted by: TheHarveyBoy 06:12 am EST 12/25/24
In reply to: Coming in 2025: Day by day, Peter Filichia's 'A Show Tune for Today' - WaymanWong 03:36 pm EST 12/24/24

This sounds terrific. What might make it more terrific would be if each page had a QR code to a link for a video or audio file for each song, although I would guess that some of Filiciha's choices are too obscure to have an easily accessible link.

Previous: Coming in 2025: Day by day, Peter Filichia's 'A Show Tune for Today' - WaymanWong 03:36 pm EST 12/24/24
Next: re: Coming in 2025: Day by day, Peter Filichia's 'A Show Tune for Today' - Chromolume 10:11 pm EST 12/24/24

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