re: Now that’s the show ACT should have done.
Posted by: merle57 04:17 pm EST 12/17/24
In reply to: re: Now that’s the show ACT should have done. - Lois 07:52 pm EST 12/16/24

ACT's Whynot Christmas Carol is dying at the box office. The theatre is 70% empty for many performances. So Sad to see a great theatre company fall on such hard times, but their choice of shows has not been strong for many years, even before the pandemic. They need to do more American classic plays without monkeying with them in order to bring back a steady audience. They should start with 2 good August Wilson plays, some Albee, Stoppard, Miller, Williams to establish their credentials with the audience. I miss their Shakespeare productions from the Bill Ball - Ed Hastings years, or their Stoppard productions with Perloff. I fear for the future of this company in San Francisco.

Previous: re: Now that’s the show ACT should have done. - Lois 07:52 pm EST 12/16/24
Next: THEATER FOR THE NEW CITY PRESENTS STRINDBERG REP IN "MISS JULIE 1925" - Official_Press_Release 03:56 pm EST 12/16/24

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