re: The off-center production was Lippa's Wild Party. (And a few other Marie casting ideas.)
Last Edit: Chazwaza 10:42 pm EST 12/13/24
Posted by: Chazwaza 10:37 pm EST 12/13/24
In reply to: re: The off-center production was Lippa's Wild Party. (And a few other Marie casting ideas.) - Chromolume 08:23 pm EST 12/13/24

Quite a few characters have plots and motivated actions IN the party, be it about a relationship or a career or personal reinvention or finding some damn ice... a lot of strains of story and drive and backgrounds to follow, many of which not only intersect and feed off each other, but play out and come to a head in ways the effect the course of the night and the outcome of the play, all of which are happening in the reality of the play/setting, rather than some of that happening in memory/flashback and in a theatrical metaphor/psychological limbo. Follies is mostly the 2 couples, and the other characters only come into play in stand alone thematically relevant musings and memories and songs, or in relation to interacting with the 4 people in the 2 couples.

Previous: re: The off-center production was Lippa's Wild Party. (And a few other Marie casting ideas.) - Chromolume 08:23 pm EST 12/13/24
Next: re: The off-center production was Lippa's Wild Party. (And a few other Marie casting ideas.) - Chromolume 11:14 pm EST 12/13/24

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