re: The off-center production was Lippa's Wild Party. (And a few other Marie casting ideas.)
Posted by: showtunetrivia 10:24 am EST 12/13/24
In reply to: re: The off-center production was Lippa's Wild Party. (And a few other Marie casting ideas.) - Chromolume 08:45 pm EST 12/12/24

I haven’t seen it but I love love love the album for GIANT. And yes, I am glad he’s so productive. Do they always work? No, but even in the unsuccessful ones, I find songs I like. Keep them coming!

Laura in LA

Previous: re: The off-center production was Lippa's Wild Party. (And a few other Marie casting ideas.) - Chazwaza 05:44 pm EST 12/14/24
Next: let's also not forget his recent + wonderful Gardens of Anuncia! - Chazwaza 05:53 pm EST 12/13/24

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