re: For those still unable to order BAM "Streetcar" tickets online ...
Posted by: champagnesalesman 09:43 pm EST 12/12/24
In reply to: re: For those still unable to order BAM "Streetcar" tickets online ... - kieran 05:03 pm EST 12/12/24

I saw this in London
Paul Mescal is great in it...but I felt Patsy Ferran was miscast as Blanche...she was a last minute replacement.....and the less said about the physical production the better. Perhaps playing in Brooklyn instead of Broadway will lessen that harm..of course it's from the director of CABARET......

Previous: re: For those still unable to order BAM "Streetcar" tickets online ... - kieran 05:03 pm EST 12/12/24
Next: David Tennant’s Macbeth disrupted by angry theatregoer - MockingbirdGirl 01:42 pm EST 12/12/24

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