re: Thank you so much Alan...
Last Edit: PlayWiz 08:38 pm EST 12/12/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 08:30 pm EST 12/12/24
In reply to: Thank you so much Alan... - thtrgoer 07:47 pm EST 12/12/24

Glad I saw this as well, Alan. I love that song you linked and always thought William Redfield had a wonderful voice doing it. Amazing that Porter spent quite so much time in "Her Heart Was in Her Work" on the female anatomy, which wasn't his usual preoccupation, even though he was married to a woman. Btw, my unmarried but still very romantic, middle-age plus, infamously multiple cat-owner English teacher (we had to retake a vocabulary test cause her cats peed on them) in high school teaching us "Romeo and Juliet" mentioned that back in Shakespeare's time that someone mentioned that "he died" or "was dying" had a sexual double meaning. I forget how she phrased it, but bless Miss Ellaney!

Previous: Thank you so much Alan... - thtrgoer 07:47 pm EST 12/12/24
Next: re: Think she likes it cause it ain't Glenn Close and the original prdctn nm - royscho 01:34 pm EST 12/12/24

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