re: Bernadette's GYPSY - twenty years on, what's your opinion?
Posted by: Cinephile 07:50 am EST 11/25/24
In reply to: Bernadette's GYPSY - twenty years on, what's your opinion? - DistantDrumming 01:33 am EST 11/25/24

Saw a matinee in December 2003, and I thought Peters was wonderful. I wish I could remember more specifics about her performance, but I saw LuPone do it so many times that her interpretation became boilerplate in my mind. I recall Bernadette visibly playing up her s*x appeal to secure Herbie in Act I. I do wonder what may have been had Arthur Laurents not intervened, telling Mendes how to direct Gypsy.

Previous: re: Bernadette's GYPSY - twenty years on, what's your opinion? - James99 08:21 am EST 11/25/24
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