Advertising is for two movies.
Last Edit: dramedy 10:50 pm EST 11/19/24
Posted by: dramedy 10:49 pm EST 11/19/24
In reply to: What do you think Universal's marketing budget for Wicked is...? - DistantDrumming 05:12 pm EST 11/19/24

If the first one bombs, then it’s hard to come back. Rule of them is cost of movie is doubled by advertising. So several hundred million is probably right. Of course, a large amount is licensing to target and other entities. So the studio isn’t really paying for that and is actually making money off that advertising and product sales with license fees.

And remember it is a siding scale of profit from movie theaters. First week grosses probably return 80-90% to studio (theater has concessions). But as week progress, that percentage drops drastically. So theaters do better with long runs. Studio wants that $100m first weekend.

Previous: What do you think Universal's marketing budget for Wicked is...? - DistantDrumming 05:12 pm EST 11/19/24
Next: Feels like they are trying to replicate the BARBIE marketing playbook (nm) - MockingbirdGirl 08:50 pm EST 11/19/24

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