How about a sequel to BROADWAY REVIVAL
Last Edit: PlayWiz 12:33 pm EST 11/15/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 12:31 pm EST 11/15/24
In reply to: LA CAGE AUX FOLLES; Melissa Errico (long post!) - showtunetrivia 11:01 am EST 11/15/24

Loved it, as I've remarked before. How about this time your time traveller goes back and stops theatrical calamities and changes theater history? It could focus on performers this time. They could stop Jeanne Eagels from dying, Carol Haney from breaking her leg (and imagining her understudy Shirley MacLaine's life perhaps as a tantric/fortune teller or something either inane or bizarre or even ultimately, pedestrian), stop Judy Tyler from traveling by car after wrapping Elvis Presley's film so she wouldn't die in terrible accident, stopping assorted other actors from misfortunes as well. Maybe even go into film --- stop actress Susan Peters from going on that hunting trip which paralyzed her, invite Sharon Tate to some party the night Manson and company were in her neck of the woods, etc. Just a thought -- but loved how you took on theater and songwriters in your book.

Previous: LA CAGE AUX FOLLES; Melissa Errico (long post!) - showtunetrivia 11:01 am EST 11/15/24
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