re: You really don’t know
Posted by: ryhog 12:58 am EST 11/12/24
In reply to: re: You really don’t know - Likeitlots 01:14 pm EST 11/11/24

Why not use the restroom elsewhere and then arrive at the theatre once the line is much shorter? I realize some people like to make things hard on themselves and then complain but I don't get it.

Also, as you have no doubt noticed, you are not finding much traction here for your "complaint." Folks generally follow the "better safe than sorry" route, and for good reason.

P.S. An awful lot of off-B theatres have security.

Previous: re: You really don’t know - Likeitlots 01:14 pm EST 11/11/24
Next: Swept Away: why won't they ever learn? - Likeitlots 12:13 pm EST 11/11/24

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